Construction Skills Queensland (CSQ) Funded Training now available

Best Option Training is a proud recipient of Construction Skills Queensland (CSQ) funding. Eligible participants can receive funding to a range of training options including short courses and individual units of competency, as well as certificate, diploma and advanced diploma qualifications. Funding is limited and subject to availability.

We look forward to supporting individuals and businesses unlock new opportunities in the building and construction industry through training.


CPC30220 – Certificate III in Carpentry

CPC30320 – Certificate III in Concreting

CPC30620 – Certificate III in Painting and Decorating

CPC31020 – Certificate III in Solid Plastering

CPC31220 – Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining

CPC31320 – Certificate III in Wall and Floor Tiling

CPC31420 – Certificate III in Construction Waterproofing

CPC32620 – Certificate III in Roof Plumbing

CPC33020 – Certificate III in Bricklaying and Blocklaying

MSF30418 – Certificate III in Glass and Glazing

MSF31113 – Certificate III in Cabinet Making


Central, Darling Downs – Toowoomba, Far North, Gold Coast, Greater Brisbane, North West, Northern, South West, Sunshine Coast, Wide Bay.

CSQ-funded training

  • Construction Skills Queensland is an independent, not-for-profit, industry funded body supporting employers, workers, apprentices, trainees and career seekers in the building and construction industry.
  • CSQ provides funding to reduce the financial obstacle to training, making upskilling an affordable option for many more individuals in the construction industry.
  • CSQ-funded training is delivered by a range of selected registered training organisations (RTOs) across Queensland.
  • CSQ contributes towards the cost of courses to reduce the cost to participants. CSQ funding is paid directly to the contracted RTO, generally between 75% and 90% of course costs. Best Option Training has decided on a $450 non-refundable admin fee.
  • It is important to note that only eligible participants may receive CSQ funding for eligible courses.
  • The program consists of Skills Assessment and 2-10 Units of Competency of Training.
  • Skills Assessment must be conducted prior to the delivery of Training.
  • Participants that cannot demonstrate through a recognition process experience in seventy percent (70%) or more of the competencies are not eligible for the program
  • Participants may use credit transfers towards the 70% to achieve a Qualification in the Program, however direct credit transfers cannot exceed more than fifty percent (50%) of the requirement; and
  • Skills Assessment and Training must lead to awarding the full Qualification.

Eligible participant means:

1. a participant who has the right to work in Australia and is an eligible worker or unemployed eligible worker in Queensland.


2. be able to demonstrate RPL experience in 70% or more competencies required to complete the full qualification.


3. be an apprentice or trainee

4. through direct credit, achieve more than 50% of the minimum number of units required to complete the qualification

5. be an employee of an Authority (Employees of Local Council are acceptable where they are an eligible worker)

6. be currently enrolled and participating in a Queensland secondary school program

7. be a contracted trainer or assessor or existing worker of an RTO

8. be funded by an Authority or such other source for delivery of the same Training being undertaken as part of this program

9. be those Participants seeking a Verification of Competency (or Determination of Competency) services under this agreement.

Key Performance Indicators

The supplier must meet the following Key Performance Indicators:

KPI 1 – Funding Claimed

No less than 90% of the Maximum Funding Amount is claimed.

Method of Measuring Performance

Evaluation of AVETMISS data provided by the supplier to Construction Skills Queensland in accordance with clause 6 (AVETMISS Reports).

KPI 2 – Completion Rate

No less than 75% of enrolled participants complete a Qualification.

Method of Measuring Performance:

Evaluation of Reports and AVETMISS data provided by the Supplier to Construction Skills Queensland in accordance with clause 6 (AVETMISS Reports) and Item 7 or the Schedule.

Contact Best Option Training to learn more.

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